
Hair Transplant

DHI hair transplant

FUE hair transplant

Stem cells and PRP



Crowns and Veneers

Other treatments


Gastric Sleeve

Gastric Bypass

Gastric Balloon


Crowns :

A dental crown is a cap or covering for an existing tooth. It can improve the way a decayed or broken tooth looks and make it stronger. Crowns can be made from porcelain, zirconia, gold alloy ,e-max or a combination of porcelain and metal.

1) What is a dental crown ?

At the first visit, your dentist or prosthodontist will prepare your tooth by removing a layer of its outer surface and shaping it. They will use a local anaesthetic so that you don't feel any pain or discomfort.

Next, they will take a copy of the shape of the tooth. This can be done using an impression pressed into a mould, or by using a digital scanner.

The information may be sent to a lab where a technician will make the crown to fit your tooth. The lab can also match the crown to the colour of your other teeth or the colour that you chose best with your dentist.

2) What happens during a dental crown procedure?


Dental veneers are a possible solution to help you achieve the look you desire. They are a popular choice for those with chipped teeth, a gap between teeth, or misshaped teeth.

Dental veneers are thin covers that adhere to teeth to give teeth a more classically shaped look. Aspen Dental practices offer a variety of dental veneer options to choose from. Talk to your dentist about what’s best for you.Veneers are made of e-max material.

3) What are Veneers in Turkey?

If you want to improve your smile, dental veneers are a simple option. Veneers are thin coverings that are placed over the front (visible) part of the tooth. They look like natural teeth. Veneers can be used to correct a wide range of dental issues, such as:

● teeth that are stained and can’t be whitened by bleaching

● chipped or worn teeth

● crooked or misshapen teeth

● uneven spaces or a large gap between the upper front teeth


Implants :

4) What is dental implant ?

A dental implant (also known as an endosseous implant or fixture) is a prosthesis that interfaces with the bone of the jaw or skull to support a dental prosthesis such as a crown, bridge, denture, or facial prosthesis or to act as an orthodontic anchor.

The basis for modern dental implants is a biological process called osseointegration, in which materials such as titanium or zirconia form an intimate bond to the bone.

The implant fixture is first placed so that it is likely to osseointegrate, then a dental prosthetic is added. A variable amount of healing time is required according to each health situation.

It might take 3-6 months before the dental prosthetic (a tooth, bridge, or denture) is attached to the implant or an abutment is placed that will hold a dental prosthetic or crown.

5) When bone grafting is required ?

Bone grafting in the jawbone.

Jawbone graft: If your jawbone isn't thick enough or is too soft, you may need bone grafting before you can have dental implant surgery. That's because the powerful chewing action of your mouth exerts great pressure on your bone, and if it can't support the implant, the surgery likely would fail.

A bone graft can create a more solid base for the implant. There are several bone graft materials that can be used to rebuild a jawbone.

Talk to your doctor about options that will work best for you. It may take several months for the transplanted bone to grow enough new bone to support a dental implant. In most cases, you may need only minor bone grafting, which can be done at the same time as the implant surgery. The condition of your jawbone determines how you proceed.

6) What is Sinus Lifting Operation?

Sinus lifting is a surgical procedure usually performed to create bone volume suitable for dental implants. This operation is performed to increase the bone under the sinus cavity of the upper jaw. This operation is usually performed before implant treatment, when there is not enough bone in the upper jaw posterior tooth areas.

Sinus lifting surgery is a surgical procedure performed to create a suitable bone volume for dental implants. As a first step, the patient is usually given a local anesthetic to numb the operation site. Then, the area under the maxillary sinus cavity is identified to increase the amount of bone in the area where the dental implants will be placed. The surgeon enlarges the sinus cavity by carefully lifting the sinus floor.

7) How is Sinus Lifting Surgery Performed?


8) What is a root canal treatment?

A root canal treatment is a dental procedure that removes the infected dental pulp inside the middle of a tooth. It's also called endodontic treatment.

Each tooth has a canal system which goes from the crown (top surface) to the root. A tooth has up to 4 canals containing dental pulp. The dental pulp is made up of connective tissue, nerves and blood vessels.

When you have a root canal treatment, damaged or infected dental pulp is removed from inside your tooth.

After the pulp is removed, the space is cleaned and disinfected, filled and sealed.

The surface of your tooth that is used for chewing may also be replaced with a filling or a crown.


The main objective of teeth cleaning is to eliminate plaque and tartar from the surfaces of your teeth. This procedure reduces your risk of tooth decay and gum disease.

Teeth whitening, on the other hand, is a cosmetic procedure that removes tooth stains and discoloration. Simply put, teeth cleaning improves the health of your mouth and Orlando teeth whitening brightens and improves the appearance of your teeth.

9) What is a dental curettage?

Curettage or scaling and root planing is a treatment that consists of removing the bacterial plaque that is located behind the gum and that deteriorates the bone that holds the teeth.

Nonsurgical gum disease treatments

People with early-stage gum disease — such as gingivitis or mild periodontitis — can benefit from nonsurgical therapies. Nonsurgical treatments for gum disease include:

● Dental prophylaxis

Dental prophylaxis is a routine dental cleaning — like the one that many people have with their hygienist twice a year. During this procedure, a provider removes plaque and tartar from your teeth surfaces.

People who have gingivitis (the first stage of gum disease) can often reverse it with professional dental cleanings and improved oral hygiene at home. Depending on your specific situation, you might need more frequent cleanings with your dentist or hygienist to keep harmful bacteria away.

Hair Transplant

Choi Pen (DHI)Technique

This innovative method – also called direct hair implantation – allows the grafts to be transplanted directly without having to open channels in the scalp beforehand.

The pen containing the grafts is used to open channels in the bald areas and implants them in the incision at the same time

There are two steps involved. In the first step, a sharp punch is placed over the follicular unit and aligned according to the direction of the hair shaft.

The punch must not be pushed too deep as root transection can occur. In the second step, fine-toothed forceps are used to apply gentle traction to the top of Follicular Unit until the unit is pulled loose from deeper dermal and subcutaneous connections.

There is a person-to-person variation in this technique.

OSL Sapphire (FUE) Technique

Techniques in the field of hair transplantation have also evolved and multiplied, and one of the techniques we’ll mention here is the sapphire technique. The sapphire stone is one of the most valuable gemstones, and the sapphire device is one of the best devices made from

it. Furthermore, the sapphire device assists in the most precise opening of cultivation channels, which aids in the area’s speedy healing

The three-step technique for FUE is based upon using a blunt instrument to prevent damage to follicles during the process of separating the follicular unit from the surrounding donor tissue.

He uses the sharp punch to score the epidermis, and then with the dull side of the punch bluntly dissects the follicular unit with twisting movement from the surrounding epidermis and dermis.

Lastly, the graft is held with forceps and pulled out. In this variation, the dull punch avoids follicle transection and allows intact FU's to be extracted more easily.

He found that the graft yield increased from 92% by two-step technique to 98%; and the hair yielded from 74 to 93% by the three-step technique.

PRP For Hair Loss

PRP (platelet-rich plasma) for hair loss is a treatment involving taking a small quantity of blood from a patient, separating out the growth factors and bioactive proteins in the blood (which initiate and speed up tissue repair and regeneration) and injecting this platelet rich plasma into the scalp, to encourage hair growth.


Stem cell therapy for hair is a non-invasive, regenerative treatment that involves the use of stem cells to stimulate hair growth. Stem cells are cells that can differentiate into different types of cells, and they have the potential to regenerate damaged tissue.



Gastric sleeve surgery is a type of weight-loss surgery (bariatric surgery). This surgery is also known as sleeve gastrectomy or vertical sleeve gastrectomy). Gastric sleeve surgery restricts your food intake, which leads to weight loss. You may lose from 50 to 90 pounds, but each person's results will vary.

It’s often done as a laparoscopic surgery, with small incisions in the upper belly (abdomen). Most of the left part of the stomach is removed. The remaining stomach is formed into a narrow tube called a sleeve. Food empties out of the bottom of the stomach into the small intestine the same way that it did before surgery.

The small intestine is not operated on or changed. After the surgery, less food will make you full when eating.


Gastric bypass surgery is a type of bariatric, or weight loss, surgery. During gastric bypass surgery, your physician makes changes to your stomach and small intestine to change the way they absorb and digest food.

Gastric bypass aids weight loss by:

● Restricting the amount of food that your stomach holds

● Limiting the amount of calories and nutrients your body absorbs

● Changing your gut hormones, which help you feel fuller longer, contribute to appetite suppression and the reversal of obesity-caused metabolic syndrome.

To be eligible for bariatric surgery, you must be between 16 and 70 years of age (with some exceptions) and morbidly obese (weighing at least 100 pounds over your ideal body weight and having a BMI of 40).


A swallowable gastric balloon is a non-surgical, non-pharmaceutical tool used in the treatment of obesity. In conjunction with a supervised diet it can help you achieve the health and aesthetic benefits associated with weight loss.

Previously known as the ‘Elipse Balloon’, the Allurion Balloon is a pill balloon capsule, which is swallowed under the guidance of our Healthcare Professionals without anaesthesia or endoscopy*.

The Balloon will be inflated in your stomach, checked using quick x-rays and you’ll be on your way! The entire procedure takes approximately 15 minutes with an outpatient visit.

You can typically expect to lose between 20 and 50 pounds.

The amount you lose depends on your starting weight and your ability to implement and maintain a new diet and exercise regimen. It is imperative to continue the new exercise regimen after the gastric balloon is removed, or you will regain the weight.